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Google Maps Directions

Google Maps Directions is the best web mapping platform that offers maps and route planning for traveling by different means of transportation.

With this platform, you can get step-by-step directions from one place to another and get a lot of helpful information including distance, estimated time, traffic conditions, and much more.

How to use Google Maps Directions

1. Select or enter your starting place on the Where are you starting field.

You can select Your current location or enter any place you want.

2. Enter your destination into the Where are you going field.

3. Select Get Directions.

You can use this map on a web browser of a computer or mobile device. It will tell you exactly when you have to turn left, right, or just keep going straight forward.

Google Maps Directions is a useful route planner tool that provides available directions through various means of transportation including driving, walking, and biking.

What's more?

You can also easily get place suggestions for hotels, food, gas, parking, and shopping. Just click on Find a Place and select what service you're looking for. Then there you go! A list of places of your need will show up on the map with an icon!
